If you represent a business considering relocation to New Mexico please contact the New Mexico Partnership.
This section of the website is intended to be a central point of access for business, economic, and community development data. It is our mission to continually add to and improve this site.
If you are looking for land or a building in our state please start with the Find Available Properties to learn all the features of the database. Several of our partner communities also provide available commercial properties for their respective communities on their websites.
The Center offers Census data and products, County Profiles from a number of data sources; Tribal Profiles; and profiles comparing New Mexico with the other 49 states including the District of Columbia. Workforce and economic profiles are also provided and updated regularly.
For rural communities Data Center staff provide technical assistance in producing a customized data product or to access and assemble data for a grant, marketing initiative, business development proposal or any project that will facilitate economic growth or community development. If you do not find the data you need in your county or tribal profile contact us for personalized assistance.
The Economic Development Department (EDD) uses a customized economic impact model which provides data on the anticipated short and long-term impact of business development projects. The data is useful in determining the benefits of state and local incentive programs and assists communities in making informed decisions when offering incentives.
Each community is unique in its economic base and vision for its future. EDD assists communities in developing a plan for economic growth that will create jobs for future generations and new investment that will support sustained economic vitality. Data Center (SDC) staff and the Community, Business and Rural Development Team (CBRDT) member assist community leadership through this process. Before EDD invests resources in strategic planning, an economic development organization or local government must take ownership of the planning process and implementation. In that behalf, the community will be required to accept certain responsibilities to ensure completion and implementation of the plan.
Your comments and questions are welcome. Contact Ryan Eustice, Economist, 505.827.2191 or [email protected]